Zen Stories

“In this last year I have lost 97 lbs, gotten off insulin and 9 other medications, completed the C25K running app and started the 10k app.” -, - “It will be 2 years in June since I started the C25K app. I no longer am doing the app, but HIGHLY recommen. Koan, in Zen Buddhism of Japan, a succinct paradoxical statement or question used as a meditation discipline for novices, particularly in the Rinzai sect. The effort to “solve” a koan is intended to exhaust the analytic intellect and the egoistic will, readying the mind to entertain an a.

Zen Stories On Peace


101 Zen Stories is a 1919 compilation of Zenkoans[1] including 19th and early 20th century anecdotes compiled by Nyogen Senzaki,[2] and a translation of Shasekishū,[1][3] written in the 13th century by Japanese Zen master Mujū (無住) (literally, 'non-dweller').[3] The book was reprinted by Paul Reps as part of Zen Flesh, Zen Bones.[4][3] Well-known koans in the collection include A Cup of Tea (1), The Sound of One Hand (21), No Water, No Moon (29), and Everything is Best (31).

Zen stories for mindfulness

See also[edit]


Zen Stories
  1. ^ ab'Koan Studies'. thezensite. Retrieved April 24, 2013.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  2. ^Ross, Nancy Wilson. The World of Zen: An East-West Anthology. Vintage. p. xxii. ISBN9780394703015.
  3. ^ abcReps, Paul; Senzaki, Nyogen. Zen Flesh, Zen Bones: A Collection of Zen and Pre-zen Writings. Tuttle Publishing. p. 17. ISBN9780804831864.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  4. ^Ross, Nancy Wilson. The World of Zen: An East-West Anthology. Vintage. p. 74. ISBN9780394703015.

External links[edit]

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=101_Zen_Stories&oldid=1007455174'

My favorite collection of Zen koans and stories is the 101 Zen Stories. When I was a young man, looking for alternatives and guidance in how to approach life as a human, this book presented me with material for thought.

I wanted to revisit it and thought there was no better way than to transcribe it here. I hope it provides food for thought for you as well. It is presented here without analysis so that people can read, review, discuss, and find their own meaning.

Zen Stories Morals

For a physical copy, check the link below.