Best Use Of Evernote

Use the Evernote camera on your mobile device to scan bills, receipts, and business cards, then ditch the paper in the shredder to keep your office clutter-free. You’ll be able to easily categorize, tag, and find your income, expenses, and suppliers the next time you need to prepare your payroll, file your taxes, or order more coffee cups. The fantastic Stacey Harmon tours us through 10 Evernote Hacks and Tips to get us utilising Evernote in the best manner ready for 2020. 🌐 Stacey Harmon: ht. Evernote is a highly capable tool with a broad range of use cases. However, as a product, Evernote has lost its way in recent years. And it’s very hard to justify the cost when OneNote offers virtually identical functionality at a fraction of the price. But it’s not just about cost.

Why use evernote

The internet is full of apps that promise to harness technology to improve your productivity. Some of these products are pretty good, but many turn out to be gimmicky, expensive, or complicated to set up or use. That’s why so many of these apps become fly-by-night fads.

Stay on Top of Your Projects. Stuck in the midst of multiple projects? Evernote can be a powerful. The best way to start using Evernote effectively is to start creating notes. A note is just what it sounds like - any piece of information you want to save for later. Get started in 3 easy steps: Create a new note.

But one productivity app that is definitely not a fad is Evernote. Introduced in 2000, it began as a simple note-taking and web clipping tool, but has developed into robust software that supports image capture, voice notes, and handwriting recognition. These notes can be geotagged, emailed, labeled, and synced across a range of devices. The basic version of Evernote remains free, but the paid version of Evernote Pro integrates with other popular tools like Google Drive, Slack, and Microsoft Outlook and Teams.

So…should you be using Evernote? Read on to learn more about how this app works, how to use Evernote effectively, and discover handy tips and tricks that will turn you into an expert in no time.

What Is Evernote?

Evernote is primarily a note-taking app. Notes can be organized using searchable tags you apply to notes, but the best way to organize notes is through virtual notebooks. Each notebook contains a collection of notes that are related. For instance, a student might have one notebook for all of his notes on biology and another notebook for math. Someone else might decide to have one notebook for minutes from a work committee and another notebook for the kids’ school reminders. However a user decides to set up their notebooks, they can have up to 250 notebooks and 100,000 individual notes.

One nice feature of Evernote is that users can format notes in different ways. The Evernote composing screen is similar to MS Word and the default style for notes is long chunks of text. But formatting tools along the top of Evernote allow you to change your note to a to-do list, bulleted or numbered lists, or a chart. You can also incorporate images, voice notes, or information from integrated apps directly into your note. The app also incorporates a robust search tool so that notes can be located quickly even if you have lots of notebooks and lots of individual notes. If you understand these basics, learning how to use Evernote’s more advanced features will be a breeze.

How To Use Evernote Effectively

If you’re new to Evernote, it can seem overwhelming. A general rule I find with technology is the more it can do, the more complicated it is to learn. Thankfully, Evernote will feel familiar to anyone who has used a word processing application like MS Word or Google Docs because it works very similarly. But just in case you need a little help getting started, here are a few suggestions to get you off on the right foot.

  • Download the desktop version. You can use Evernote on mobile devices, however, the desktop version gives you the most power when it comes to organizing your notes, especially if you’re a heavy note-taker with hundreds of notes and notebooks to organize. You can download Evernote for free on either Windows or Mac and it will sync with your mobile devices so you can carry your notes everywhere.
  • Organize using themed notebooks. I mentioned before that the best way to organize notes is in notebooks, but it’s worth mentioning again. Tags can definitely be helpful when searching for notes on your PC or Mac, but tags do not integrate the same way across all devices, so if you create a bunch of loose notes and plan to use tags to keep them sorted, you might find this is only effective part of the time.
  • Use your default notebook as an inbox. When you create your first note in Evernote, it will be stored in a default notebook. Some time management experts say that using this default notebook as a to-do list is a great way to make sure everything gets done in a timely fashion. The way this works is similar to how some people use their email inbox as a to-do list; create a note and once you have fully dealt with all the tasks related to that note, then you can move it to a different notebook for long-term storage.
  • Use consistent naming conventions. This is a great tip that comes from Stacey Harmon on the Keep Productive channel on YouTube. According to Harmon, if you follow patterns for naming your notes and notebooks, then finding them later will be easy regardless of whether you simply scroll through your notes or you rely on Evernote’s search feature. A good naming convention should include a keyword or phrase that will quickly identify the note’s topic and relevance. If the note is part of a series, you might use the same title for each note and add a number or letter to indicate the sequence of the notes. (For example, you might have a naming convention like “Technology Committee – Security Training for Employees #2” or “Shakespeare Lecture: Macbeth – B.”) This way, when you search you will quickly bring up all of these related notes at once.
  • Merge related notes. Say you’ve worked on a project at work for three months, taking notes on the project the whole time. By the end of the project, you might have dozens of short bits of information stored as individual notes. A good way to store these notes might be to merge them into one note instead of keeping them separate. To do this, hold down Ctrl and select each note you want to merge. A menu will open at the bottom of your screen. Select “Merge” and your notes will be combined into one document with each note labeled within that document. This way you can skim to quickly find the note you want without having to open each individual note. One caveat: merging notes cannot be undone, so before you do this, make sure you want the notes combined.
  • Gather notes from outside Evernote. The Evernote Corporation actually makes multiple apps that work seamlessly with their primary product, Evernote. These include features that let you “grab and send” content to Evernote, where you can treat this content as a note itself or integrate it into your other notes.
    • Web Clipper is a browser plugin that allows you to save webpages, articles, and PDFs into Evernote. You can also highlight and save portions of what you see on your screen, such as short text quotes. When this information enters Evernote, it will automatically have a URL to the page attached so you can always return to the source.
    • Scannable is an iOS app that allows you to digitize paper by taking a picture of it. You simply photograph the paper and label the image as a photo, document, color document, post-it, or business card. Then you can organize the image just like any other note, including applying labels and assigning it to notebooks. Best of all, handwritten notes become searchable text once incorporated into Evernote.
    • If you’re an Android user, you can use the camera tool within Evernote to get most of the same features that Scannable offers. This is a great feature for people who like taking notes by hand, but may want a backup copy or a way to take their notes with them even if they leave their favorite paper notebook behind.
  • Connect Evernote to Pocket. Back in February, we wrote about how much we love Pocket. If you’re a fan as well, then you might be interested in connecting your Pocket account to Evernote. Doing this will allow you to automatically sync your Pocket articles to Evernote, or just save Pocket items that you star or archive. This enables you to use Evernote’s powerful search functions to keep up with your favorite Pocket articles more effectively.
  • Use the Evernote YouTube Channel. This is a great way to learn how to use more advanced Evernote features, find out what changes are happening with the app, and get a sneak peek at the paid features so you can decide what level of use you need to get the most from the app. You can find the Evernote YouTube Channel here.

Advanced Tips For Heavy Evernote Users

Even if you’re pretty comfortable using Evernote, it’s likely the app can still surprise you with some of its more advanced features. The Evernote Corporation is constantly adding to their flagship software to keep it relevant, exciting, and useful. So read on to learn how to make the most of your Evernote account.

  • Keyboard shortcuts are a great way to speed up your note-taking during meetings or lectures. Evernote has an extensive list of keyboard shortcuts, or you can create your own.
  • Note links work like hyperlinks, except that they link from one note to another. This is great if you want to create a single note as a reference point for lots of information, such as one note with links to each intranet system you use at work or a meeting agenda with links to specific notes that need to be covered during the meeting. It’s also a great way to keep research straight. To create a hyperlink between two notes, right-click on the note you want to link to. Choose “Copy Internal Link.” Then go to the note where you want to embed the link and select “paste.” Evernote will paste the title of the note you are linking to with an embedded hyperlink leading to that note.
  • A table of contents can be a really useful way to organize multiple related notes. This is similar to merging notes, except that instead of deleting those notes and replacing them with one new, combined document, a table contents will create a new document with individual links to each separate note. This new document can be handy for sharing with coworkers who may need to be able to reference your notes quickly. For instance, as Scott Friesen points out, a table of contents could be useful for inclusion in a meeting agenda, with each item in the table of contents linking to relevant data, visuals, or other useful information.
  • Anchor notes are the brainchild of Scott Dotto (who actually teaches a course on using Evernote, just in case you’re interested). Think of an anchor note as a quick reference guide. Like a table of contents, an anchor note links to other notes, working as a useful starting point for finding the note you need. Dotto gives an example of using an anchor note to record information about your house that is important but hard to remember, such as the size filter used in your air return. You can create a note for your air filter, including a picture of the filter brand you use, a link to Amazon or Lowes or wherever you can order replacement filters, and the measurements for the filter. This note can then be included in an anchor note about your house, which might include similar notes about the type of bulbs used in different rooms, information about water filters in your refrigerator or sink, and so on. The advantage here is that the anchor note saves you from having to go physically track down information or electronically search through Evernote to find important information all over again every time you need that information.
  • Advanced search features are one thing heavy users continually say sets Evernote apart from competitors. The basic search in Evernote is pretty good, so it’s not surprising that many users never go beyond that, but the longer you use Evernote and the more notes and notebooks that pile up in your account, the less efficient the basic search becomes. That’s why being able to access the advanced search is so handy. At first glance, the advanced search may look a little like coding with its reliance on colons and lack of spaces between words, but Evernote makes the advanced search operators available online so that any user can copy and paste it into Evernote and start search their notes based on criteria such as keywords in title, notes stored in a specific notebook, date created, date updated, and so on.

One Powerful Tool Among Many

Evernote is certainly not the only note-taking tool on the market, but it’s one of the most popular because of its depth, completeness, and widespread integration. The fact that its free version offers so many options and operates on a truly free (not freemium) model, as well as its longevity, give the app a lot of credibility with users, too.

If you find this post on Evernote helpful, or you’re interested in other ways to boost your productivity, then be sure to come back to the TracSoft blog, where we’ll be discussing productivity tools all month long.

Are you suddenly working from home and struggling to stay productive? Are you having trouble staying connected to work when you’re not physically there? Then check out our blog post “Working From Home: Tips For Productivity And Communication” for ways to increase your productivity and make working from home work for you.

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So, what is Evernote? It’s a note-taking app designed to collect and organize text, pictures, videos, and audio recordings.

These notes are then backed up to the cloud. This allows the user access to their notes from any platform.

But why do people use it? How do people use it best? And is it best for your purposes?

What is Evernote?

No two workflows are alike, but Evernote could help keep you productive and organized.

First, Evernote is relatively easy to use. There are tutorials everywhere because of its popularity and wide user base. With a shallow learning curve, you won’t have to take much time to understand the app.

Evernote organizes your notes into Notebooks, which are essentially file folders.

The notes themselves are text files with a standard blog-style GUI for formatting text, inserting images, or putting in basic code blocks.

The two most useful features are note tags and the Evernote Web Clipper browser extension.

Note tags work like the tags in a blog post or like a hashtag. This gives you a second method for organizing notes. The tags are useful for searching through notes and categorizing them for later use. All notes tagged with “biology” or “research,” for example, can be found and searched through, no matter what Notebooks they might be in.

Best Use Of Evernote

Now let’s get into the Web Clipper, one of Evernote’s most useful features.

What is Evernote Web Clipper?

Evernote Web Clipper is a browser extension that copies web content directly to your Notebooks. It’s hard to imagine using Evernote without Web Clipper.

Once installed, Clipper lets you grab images, text, and even whole web pages. These can be sorted into whatever Notebook you choose. You can also add tags when you clip.

Why would you do this? How is it useful? Well, for one, you can grab simplified versions of web pages and send them to your notes. If the web page is one you need to look at frequently for research, it’ll save you time. It’s also useful if you need to access the info on that web page while you’re offline or traveling.

If the website in question is littered with annoying ads and pictures, the Web Clipper can strip them out.

Being more productive with Evernote

Anyone who needs to save a lot of information, access it anywhere, and organize it for reference would find Evernote to be handy.

Students can organize their classes into Notebooks. Ideally, they’d store all of their class notes there, accessible from their laptop or their phone. They could use the tagging system for easier studying later on. If you learn a test is on three specific topics, you can sort your notes by those topics by searching the tags. And since the notes are stored to the cloud, you won’t lose them. And depending on the price tier you choose, you could share them easily with other classmates.

Teachers could get similar use out of Evernote by sorting their lectures by topic. Teachers could also open up a Notebook for each student or each class. Then, all personal notes on the class or individual could go in the Notebook. Professional development could also have its own Notebook. That way, all of the lectures or classes you attend could be saved and sorted later. Those training notes could then be shared with colleagues.

Writers of all stripes are perhaps the most obvious audience for Evernote. Research gets a Notebook. Article, blog, or book ideas get a Notebook. Timelines, characters, persons of interest, word-building all get a Notebook. And the mobile nature means Evernote is always close at hand. Get an idea, jot it down, save it to the cloud.

Lastly, though it requires some extra work, Evernote can be synced with your calendar. This could help your productivity by tying your notes or reminders together with actual dates. You can also set it up so that your calendar events all go into a Notebook automatically, allowing you to take notes on the meetings during or after the fact.

Those are just a few use cases you might want to consider. Before you do, let’s take a look at the pricing structure.

What is Evernote’s price and what do you get?

Before you spend a dime on Evernote, consider checking out the free version, which is serviceable and allows syncing between two different devices.

If your needs are more complicated, should you pay money for Evernote? Is it worth it? Let’s take a look.

The pricing plan is relatively simple to break down.

What comes in the free version of Evernote?

Best Use Of Evernote

The free version comes with cloud syncing between two devices. One mobile sync to a phone, one sync to a work or home computer. Simple and easy, and it has all of the full note-taking features described above.

How to use evernote

The limits on storage and uploads are pretty small. You can upload 60MB of data a month, with a 25MB maximum size for each note. This isn’t a ton of bandwidth, but for more text and simplified website clips it’s sufficient. PDFs and image-heavy notes, which use more data, will run into this per-month cap and even the individual note cap.

Also, your notes can only be made available offline on desktop or laptop. For travelers or those with spotty connections, this might not work.

Features of Evernote Premium


The Premium version of Evernote runs $7.99 a month and adds a few more features.

The note-taking features are the same as the free version. Other features are expanded.

First, the upload limit increases: 60MB a month for the free version becomes 10GB for Premium. Note size jumps from 25MB to 200MB.

Probably one of the most useful added features is app integration. So if you want to combine your Evernote with Slack or Google Drive, Premium will allow you to do it.

The Premium edition lets you scan documents or business cards and forward emails directly to Evernote. You can also make notes and search through the PDFs you add. Sharing options are more robust, and you can make presentations out of your notes.

Premium Evernote also comes with AI suggestions that relate to your notes. This AI takes the content of your notes and suggests possible web pages that seem relevant. The suggestions aren’t always useful because the AI isn’t terribly robust. The signal-to-noise ratio of useful web page suggestions to unrelated links largely isn’t worth it for this feature alone. You could end up spending more time ignoring the AI’s nonrelevant suggestions than taking them.

So, is Premium a good buy? If you’re uploading a lot of very large notes, maybe. If you need to pull files from Google Drive into Evernote, possibly. If PDFs take up a large portion of your notes, and you need them searchable and annotated, probably.

It also may be worth it for offline access on both desktop and mobile platforms.

Features of the Evernote Business version

Evernote Business has all of the features noted above, plus team collaboration and team administration features.

The pricing is a little bit annoying because you need to have at least two users. And the $14.99-a-month price tag is per user. So if you’re just looking to expand your account with business features and more bandwidth, you’re out of luck.

How To Use Evernote Youtube

The team and sharing features are what you’d expect. Anyone on the team can share and collaborate on notes. Permissions are assigned by the creator of the note. An assigned admin has greater control and access to notes, Notebooks, and sharing permissions.

The monthly upload starts at a flat 20GB overall, plus 2GB per user.

Is it worth it? Probably not, but to answer that question, we have to look at the alternatives on the market.

What is Evernote’s competition?

Of course, Evernote isn’t the only note-taking app on the market. There are plenty of Evernote alternatives that do the job better, depending on the features you prioritize.

Let’s take a look at some of the alternatives to Evernote.


Bear is a popular note-taking app but is available only for Apple devices. There may be a web version in the pipeline, but that’s not something we can judge at the moment. But if you’re taking notes on your iPhone, Mac, or iPad, Bear is a solid choice.

It’s free unless you’re syncing between devices. Then you’ll have to choose to pay $15 every year for the privilege. Still, if you do math, that’s cheaper than Evernote’s Premium addition.

You can tag notes in Bear with keywords, just like in Evernote. Bear uses a hashtag system instead of a separate tag field, so it’s a little faster. The text notes and Markdown compatibility are comparable to Evernote and its Codeblock functions. It doesn’t have Evernote’s sharing or team collaboration tools; it’s designed for one user.

Best Use Of Evernote

We’d recommend Bear for single users who just need to take notes. It’s elegantly designed and fast, suffering from none of Evernote’s general feature-bloat problem.

If you have simple needs and are already invested in Apple architecture, Bear is a solid alternative.


What Is Better Than Evernote

Microsoft’s note-taking software is a relatively new offering and is part of Microsoft’s Office suite.

OneNote can be accessed via browser or through the desktop or mobile app. It’s more free-form than Evernote and might appeal to note-takers who enjoy less structure. The notes are organized into notebooks, like Evernote. The notes are backed up to your OneDrive instead of a separate account, like Evernote. The similarities end there.

Instead of traditional pages, each individual OneNote scrolls sideways or down infinitely. Think of it like a digital reel of butcher paper. You can throw images into it alongside the text, with each block of text independent from the others. You can also draw over or around your notes.

OneNote works fine as a text note-taker but shines as a loose brainstorming tool.

However, OneNote isn’t free. It comes packaged with the other Office products in Office 365. Microsoft has a complicated pricing schema, with ongoing or subscription prices. The price also changes based on the home or business versions, but you’ll pay anywhere from $8 a month to $12.50 a month, depending.

Google Keep

Google Keep is a free note-taking software that comes with your Google account.

Keep has an interesting format: when you log in to Keep, you’re given a kind of digital corkboard. Your notes will appear as small boxes on the corkboard and can be arranged as necessary. You can also pin certain notes that you use frequently. They’ll show up at the top of the screen.

You can change the color of the notes, add labels, or add reminders right from this corkboard. You can also add drawings or images with a click of an icon.

Sharing is also pretty easy. You can add a collaborator to any individual note—it sends them an email invite.

It isn’t the most robust note-taker, but it is free and has a solid visual presentation. It’s also mobile-friendly.

Our only real caveat here is to be aware that Google has a track record for abandoning software. This may be relevant only if you’re thinking of adopting Google Keep for a large company or for mission-critical notes. If Google Keep is for your personal use, it’s probably not a big deal.

How To Use Evernote App

Is Evernote the best fit for you?

What is Evernote’s defining, most persuasive feature? That depends on what you’re trying to accomplish and how you take notes. Do you want to share your notes with team members?

And, lastly, consider your budget.

If you want to spend as little money as possible (ideally, nothing), Google Keep and Evernote’s free versions are solid choices. Evernote has more features but is bloated. Google Keep is faster but also simpler.

If sharing your notes is more important, Evernote Premium and Bear have robust collaboration options.

If you’re a visual person who enjoys more physical-looking notes, Google Keep and OneNote fit the bill.

Why Use Evernote

As you can see, Evernote isn’t the only game in town. It’s not even the best game in town. But it is pretty versatile and well-supported, and it works fine for many people.

Check out our full review of Evernote for a more detailed breakdown of what Evernote does best and where it needs work.