Backblaze Server

Backblaze Server

  1. Backblaze Server Side Encryption
  2. Backblaze Server 2019

Backblaze Server Side Encryption

What is Backblaze? Server backup solution that enables businesses of all sizes to automatically restore and protect business data through emails and more. Backblaze is great for off-site managed backups that are file level. Where it doesn't work is if you want a full image backup or backing up servers gets in the 'not-ideal' direction. Backblaze has a great use case and as long as you stick in the file-level backup, all is great! Read this authenticated review. Set your Backblaze private encryption key. Once that is set they can't read your data or help you if you forget your encryption key. It's a one way thing too, once you enable it you can't go back without starting over. Download rclone from and learn the crypt option. It is very, very easy.

Backblaze Server 2019

  1. PBS datastore on Windows 10 via cifs, Backblaze Personal Backup for offsite backups

    Hi,I've set up the new stable release of PBS with the datastore on a Windows 10 cifs share and it's working great. However it got me thinking, wouldn't I need to restore the entire volume/datastore if I ever needed to restore a VM older than my retention?Could I/is there a way to only restore...
    • Thread
    • backblaze backup pbs
    • Replies: 1
    • Forum: Proxmox Backup: Installation and configuration
  2. Remote backup to B2

    How exactly should PBS be backed up to systems other than another PBS host? In particular I was wanting to set up an offsite backup to Backblaze B2. Is it fine to just take a normal file level backup of the datastore using some third party backup software? I'm assuming the backups are just...
    • Thread
    • backblaze ceph off-site
    • Replies: 2
    • Forum: Proxmox Backup: Installation and configuration
  3. Proxmox backup VM over object storage B2 / S3

    Hi there,I'm been working finding a way to backup VM over an object storage like S3 or B2 Backblaze...I've finally found a solution that is quite stable and perform well.If someone is interested I'm doing in this way:- VM backup over local storage- made a script that with rclone move...
    • Thread
    • backblaze object storage rclone remote backup scaleway
    • Replies: 4
    • Forum: Proxmox VE: Installation and configuration