Atom Command Line

GitHub recently released the awesome Atom text editor, and although many of the keyboard shortcuts will be familiar to Sublime Text users, there are many subtle differences.

Atom is a free and open-source text and source code editor. It has features such as embedded Git Control, plug-in support. If there is a line above with content, the current lines content will swap with the one above it. If you select a word, and then hit the key combo for this command, Atom will select the next same word for you. Atom, the code editor from GitHub, was initially released in May 2014 by the team of GitHub. As an open-source editor Atom became hugely popular over the last two years. And for some, it’s the Sublime killer. And I’m not exaggerating. Today, I’m going to show you the best tips, tricks, and shortcuts while using Atom. So better go pro with. Open files in Atom Editor from the command line Published by Martin Wolf on Apr 29, 2014 If you are like me and spent quite some time on the command line, navigating directories, using git, grunt and all the other fancy things, you might want to open files and folders in your favourite editor right from where you are. How to open command prompt in Atom editor? Ask Question Asked 2 years, 11 months ago. Active 2 years, 3 months ago. Viewed 20k times 3. How can I run command prompt in Atom Editor? Do I need to install any package for the same? I could not find any videos or links regarding this issue. Automatic create atom command for each shell command. Keymap config allow you to make shortcut to each command. Shell output (stdout/stderr) can be captured in the bottom panel. Click the filename in the output panel will open it.


Here’s a quick cheat-sheet for the keyboard shortcuts Atom provides, to help you become a keyboard master.

If you’d prefer this in downloadable form here’s a single-page printable version to keep on your desk:

We also have a couple of Atom invites to give away if you haven’t yet got to try the editor. Tweet at us and tell us what you like most about Bugsnag and we’ll pick a couple of winners.


  • [CODE]shift + ⌘ + p[/CODE]
    Toggle command palette
  • [CODE]⌘ + /[/CODE]
    Toggle line/selection comment
  • [CODE]ctrl + space[/CODE]
    Show available auto-completions
Run command in atom

File Navigation

  • [CODE]⌘ + p[/CODE]
    Toggle file finder
  • [CODE]ctrl + g[/CODE]
    Goto line
  • [CODE]⌘ + r[/CODE]
    Goto symbol

Atom Install Shell Commands Windows

  • [CODE]shift + ⌘ + { / }[/CODE]
    Previous/next file
  • [CODE]⌘ + F2[/CODE]
    Set bookmark
Atom command line open folder
  • [CODE]F2[/CODE]
    Goto next bookmark

View/Window Manipulation

  • [CODE]⌘ + [/CODE]
    Toggle tree-view sidebar
  • [CODE]ctrl + ⌘ + f[/CODE]
    Toggle fullscreen
  • [CODE]⌘ + k, left/right/up/down[/CODE]
    Split pane left/right/up/down
  • [CODE]⌘ + k, ⌘ + left/right/up/down[/CODE]
    Focus pane left/right/up/down


  • [CODE]⌘ + f[/CODE]
    Find in file
  • [CODE]⌘ + g[/CODE]
    Find next
  • [CODE]shift + ⌘ + f[/CODE]
    Find in project
  • [CODE]⌘ + e[/CODE]
    Use selection for find


  • [CODE]ctrl + ⌘ + [ / ][/CODE]
    Fold/unfold current code block
  • [CODE]option + shift + ⌘ + [ / ][/CODE]
    Fold/unfold all code blocks
  • [CODE]⌘ + 1-9[/CODE]
    *Fold code blocks at depth 1-9 *

Word Manipulation

  • [CODE]ctrl + t[/CODE]
    Transpose characters either side of cursor
  • [CODE]option + backspace[/CODE]
    Delete text to beginning of word
  • [CODE]option + delete or fn + option + backspace[/CODE]
    Delete text to end of word

Line Manipulation

  • [CODE]⌘ + ] / [[/CODE]
    Indent/outdent current line
  • [CODE]⌘ + enter[/CODE]
    Insert new line after current line
  • [CODE]⌘ + shift + enter[/CODE]
    Insert new line before current line
  • [CODE]ctrl + shift + k[/CODE]
    Delete current line
  • [CODE]ctrl + ⌘ + up/down[/CODE]
    Move current line up/down
  • [CODE]shift + ⌘ + d[/CODE]
    Duplicate current line
  • [CODE]⌘ + j[/CODE]
    Join current and next lines


  • [CODE]⌘ + d[/CODE]
    Select current word/token
  • [CODE]⌘ + l[/CODE]
    Select current line
  • [CODE]option + shift + left/right[/CODE]
    Select to beginning/end of word

Atom Command Line Tools

  • [CODE]shift + ⌘ + left/right[/CODE]
    Select to first/last character of line
  • [CODE]shift + ⌘ + up/down[/CODE]
    Select to top/bottom of document

Something Missing?

Install Atom Command Line Linux

Are there any common commands missing from this cheat-sheet? Have any suggestions for improvements? Let us know via Twitter!