Welcome to the Ansible style guide!To create clear, concise, consistent, useful materials on docs.ansible.com, follow these guidelines:
Ansible Cheat Sheet Ansible is an open source Continuous Deployment, Configuration Management, & Orchestration. This tool aims to provide large productivity gains to a wide variety of automation challenges and is powerful enough to automate complex multi-tier IT application environments. Intro to Playbooks (docs.ansible.com) 0 Comments for this cheatsheet. Devhints.io / Over 352 curated cheatsheets, by developers for developers. Devhints home Other Ansible cheatsheets. Ansible examples cheatsheet Ansible modules cheatsheet Ansible roles cheatsheet Ansible cheatsheet. Useful Ansible commands. Make sure python will load all modules installed in your virtualenv. Ansible AD HOC Command Examples – Ansible Cheat Sheet Updated on: February 1, 2021 Sarav AK Ansible ad hoc commands are one-liners designed to achieve a very specific task they are like quick snippets and your compact swiss army knife when you want to do a quick task across multiple machines.
We want the Ansible documentation to be:
easy to translate
We want reading the docs to feel like having an experienced, friendly colleagueexplain how Ansible works.
This cheat-sheet illustrates a few rules that help achieve the “Ansible tone”:
Rule | Good example | Bad example |
Use active voice | You can run a task by | A task can be run by |
Use the present tense | This command creates a | This command will create a |
Address the reader | As you expand your inventory | When the number of managed nodes grows |
Use standard English | Return to this page | Hop back to this page |
Use American English | The color of the output | The colour of the output |
Headers should be written in sentence case. For example, this section’s title isHeadercase
, not HeaderCase
Latin words and phrases like e.g.
or etc.
are easily understood by English speakers.They may be harder to understand for others and are also tricky for automated translation.
Use the following English terms in place of Latin terms or abbreviations:
Latin | English |
i.e | in other words |
e.g. | for example |
etc | and so on |
via | by/ through |
vs./versus | rather than/against |
The Ansible documentation is written in reStructuredText and processed by Sphinx.We follow these technical or mechanical guidelines on all rST pages:
Section headers in reStructuredTextcan use a variety of notations.Sphinx will ‘learn on the fly’ when creating a hierarchy of headers.To make our documents easy to read and to edit, we follow a standard set of header notations.We use:
with overline, for parts:
with overline, for chapters:
for sections:
for subsections:
for sub-subsections:
for paragraphs:
Anchors (also called labels) and linkswork together to help users find related content.Local tables of contents also help users navigate quickly to the information they need.All internal links should use the :ref:
syntax.Every page should have at least one anchor to support internal :ref:
links.Long pages, or pages with multiple levels of headers, can also include a local TOC.
Include at least one anchor on every page
Place the main anchor above the main header
If the file has a unique title, use that for the main page anchor:
You may also add anchors elsewhere on the page
All internal links must use
syntax. These links both point to the anchor defined above:
The second example adds custom text for the link.
Ansible 2.10 and later require the extended Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN) as part of the links:
For example:
displays as ansible.builtin.first_found lookup plugin.
Modules require different suffixes from other plugins:
Module links use this extended FQCN module name with
for the anchor.Plugin links use this extended FQCN plugin name with the plugin type (
for example).
is the FQCN for modules included in ansible.base
. Documentation links are the only place you prepend ansible_collections
to the FQCN. This is used by the documentation build scripts to correctly fetch documentation from collections on Ansible Galaxy.
The page you’re reading includes a local TOC.If you include a local TOC:
place it below, not above, the main heading and (optionally) introductory text
use the
directive so the page’s main header is not includeddo not include a title
The syntax is:
These pages offer more help with grammatical, stylistic, and technical rules for documentation.
See also
How to contribute to the Ansible documentation
How to build the Ansible documentation
#ansible-docs IRC chat channel
plugin documentation tool
displays information on modules installed in Ansible libraries.It displays a terse listing of plugins and their short descriptions,provides a printout of their DOCUMENTATION strings,and it can create a short “snippet” which can be pasted into a playbook.
¶For internal testing only Dump json metadata for all plugins.
¶Since this tool does not use playbooks, use this as a substitute playbook directory.This sets the relative path for many features including roles/ group_vars/ etc.
¶show program’s version number, config file location, configured module search path, module location, executable location and exit
¶Show plugin names and their source files without summaries (implies –list). A supplied argument will be used for filtering, can be a namespace or full collection name.
¶prepend colon-separated path(s) to module library (default=~/.ansible/plugins/modules:/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules)
¶show this help message and exit
¶Change output into json format.
¶List available plugins. A supplied argument will be used for filtering, can be a namespace or full collection name.
¶Show playbook snippet for specified plugin(s)
¶Ansible Commands Cheat Sheet Free
Choose which plugin type (defaults to “module”). Available plugin types are : (‘become’, ‘cache’, ‘callback’, ‘cliconf’, ‘connection’, ‘httpapi’, ‘inventory’, ‘lookup’, ‘netconf’, ‘shell’, ‘vars’, ‘module’, ‘strategy’)
¶verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connection debugging)
The following environment variables may be specified.
– Override the default ansible config file
Many more are available for most options in ansible.cfg
– Config file, used if present
– User config file, overrides the default config if present
Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan.
See the AUTHORS file for a complete list of contributors.
Ansible Commands Cheat Sheet Pdf
Ansible is released under the terms of the GPLv3+ License.
ansible(1), ansible-config(1), ansible-console(1), ansible-doc(1), ansible-galaxy(1), ansible-inventory(1), ansible-playbook(1), ansible-pull(1), ansible-vault(1),